Posted on Posted in FROM STEVE, NEWS

Hi guys,

I’d like to say a word or two regarding Tony’s departure from the band.

In September 2016 Tony made it very clear to the rest of Spandau Ballet that he didn’t want to work with us anymore. That’s all fair enough, of course. But what I do find utterly confusing is the implication from him that his decision to leave Spandau Ballet was somehow “out of his control”.

Well, let me put the record straight here. We all got on splendidly during the tour of 2015, and his decision to leave was entirely his alone. He certainly wasn’t pushed out.

As sad as this has been for the rest of the band and for you, our fans, we have had to accept it and move on. Life is short, as people keep reminding me.

I, along with Martin, John and Gary are far from finished with Spandau, we are united in our friendship and love for the band and it is our desire to continue, as it always has been, whoever’s singing the songs.

See you there.

Lotsa love,
Steve x


Anastasia said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Tony Hadley is/was part of Spandeau Ballet, not all of it. Many examples of bands being successful, more successful, after loss of a core member. Hadley will regret leaving, if he doesn't already. Don't wait for him to wise up. Find a new vocalist and you're Gold(en)... keep calm and rock on!

missmanders7609 said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Hello Steve. well that statement from Tony was a bolt from the blue and my initial reaction? I actually believe and after chatting with friends I still believe that he's being a diva. Yes I may be wrong but that statement he made was just worded so strangely. I am really pleased that you have stepped up and stated something and maybe you have spoken on behalf of the rest of the guys but it is great that you state that you aren't finished with Spandau Ballet and that pleases me. So you are looking for a singer now I guess...I have a name for you - Steve can sing, you could at least give it a try! Gary can sing and so can John...don't look elsewhere until you look at yourselves. Now hurry up and do something soon, life is too short to just sit around. Can't make Holborn but hoping to see you all again soon. Manders

FER said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Well said Steve! I live in Argentina, never saw Spandau live. Any chance you come on tour sometime in the future? It would be wonderful. Whoever's singing the songs :)

Kurtmaloo said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Frankie GTH was ten times better with replacement Ryan Molloy than they ever were with Holly Johnson - I look forward to the new singer - give Ryan a call!

kempine said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Dear Steve, I only found your message today after days of being rather sad and yes, a bit annoyed too, that nobody of the band seemed to bother to write any personal comment about the whole affair. Tony's post came so out of the blue and sounded as if some sort of legal arrangement made it neccessary for him to state the fact of his departure from the band that I kept asking myself what drastic event has happened to trigger this. The timing of it all was confusing and also the way he posted his statement in between two tweets of what a great day he was having. Awkward at the least! And the band's statement was cryptic too. Only three short sentences to declare yet again the end (or not?) of the band that means so much to me and has given me so much happiness and moments of sheer joy and fun in the past. The band that has helped me through some really rough patches and stands for the best times of my existence. That might sound a bit melodramatic, but that's how I feel about Spandau Ballet, sorry, I'm a silly old cow! Anyway, now after reading your statement I see that I'm not alone with my passion for the band and that you guys DO care. Probably the silence just shows that you are all a bit lost for words too. My credo always has been that the magic of Spandau can only be created by the 5 original members together. Now I may at least be tempted you be proved wrong. One thing I know for sure, to get some new music from you, John, Martin and Gary would be such a buzz, whether it feels like SB to me or something new (perpaps just as exciting). So thank you for your message and for giving me some hope for the future. I still don't understand Tony ... but then again maybe I never did!

annieh said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Thank so much for confirming this Steve. It is exactly as I trying so hard not to be cross with Tony but not doing too well because the SBOTWW story has been given a kick but most of all him saying it was beyond his teenagers met you all twice and came to 5 concerts on the last tour falling in love with the band and the film - you kindly replied when I tweeted the Henley was the best night of my life.i have had to tell them that tony needed to stay closer to home for his little girls - it's the only way I could preserve their love of the bands " better end" and that they had lived that triumphant 2015 tour with the boys. Your music is being played alongside jack savoretti etc still. I look forward to coming to see you all again and hope alerts will be coming out soon for new gigs. Xxx

carrie said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Perhaps you can pass my message along. I am so disappointed Mr. Hadley. I have been a huge fan of you and SB since I was a teen. It was like a dream come true when I heard that you had reunited with the band (your brothers) and were going to be touring. I had the best night of my life when I was able to see you at Massey Hall in Toronto. We could all feel the comradery between everyone in the band. So, when I heard that you had decided to leave the band, I was very sad..then I was mad. Is your ego so big that you ditched your boys? Yeah you guys had your problems but that's how family works. Its none of my business. I live in Canada, so I will never get the opportunity to hear you sing live again. You brought so much joy to the fans and I wish you the best.

Merce Coronado said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Gracias por tu aclaración, Steve. La noticia de la marcha de Tony del grupo ha sido muy triste, pero como tu dices "la vida es corta"... y hay que seguir adelante. Spandau Ballet ha significado mucho en mi vida y sólo puedo daros las GRACIAS por aportarme TANTO con vuestra música. Me alegra saber que vais a seguir vosotros 4 y tenéis mi apoyo incondicional en cualquier proyecto que emprendáis. #fanforever

Tris said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Thanks Steve. Embrace the positive and move forward. Nothing much you can do if someone doesn't want to be there. Looking forward to whatever the band does next xx

Blaze said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Thank you for your heartfelt words, Steve! You are absolutely right - life is short! Live your life to its fullest and happiest! Keep the Spandau Ballet spirit strong!

mariapia.mizzau said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

We are waiting next Spandau tour...whoever's singing the songs...

MiKeyBoY said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Thanks Steve! Was hoping you'd make a statement. Huge shame, especially for you guys as that is your passion, & secondly for us. But, if all members aren't happy then things just won't work. Excited though, to now see what Spandau & your solo work brings for all you guys. Mick...

terryinnewjersey said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

You're the only member so far to honestly tell us what's going on and for that, I love and thank you! I'm honestly not really believing this is happening again and trust me, many fans are turning against Tony (again) and here comes the finger pointing! However this goes, I wish ALL of you, Tony (b/c you know I'm a massive Tony fan!), you, Gary, Mart (such a doll) and JK the very best and I will support you 100%! I look forward to seeing you sing Motivator again. C'mon Stevie! Give us a bit of Motiva-tahhhhh!!!!! xxxxx

hotspice67 said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Thank you Steve, it is nice to have some clarification. It is the saddest news, no more original Spandau Ballet, so sad.I am forever a fan from April 5, 1983 at the Brighton Centre to April 27 2015 at Massey Hall, Toronto. Best night ever for me, meeting you guys again and an amazing show of course, Soul Boys was awesome and seeing the Premier with you guys there was amazing, so many happy memories. I wish you all the best and will still be getting my star shower tattoo on the same arm as my dove, that you liked, still with 5 stars for each of my boys. Let me know if you come to Toronto, I'd love to see you again and hear you sing and play. I wish you success and happiness my friend, take care and don't stop playing that sax, you are #1 in the world oxoxox

AndyJ said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Sounds fair enough Steve. Thank you for taking the time to explain and I'll always continue to support SB - looking forward to seeing you soon again then :)

VickieMH said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Still cannot believe that Tony would not want to be on the stage with you guys anymore. The 2015 tour was absolutely amazing. Loved every minute. Sending lots of love to you Steve x

Ali125 said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

It was so good to hear your side of the whole sorry story. Will continue to be a fan of Spandau Ballet regardless of a certain persons departure (his loss!). Can't wait for Holborn in October so see you then.

Ali125 said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

It was so good to hear your side of the whole sorry story. Will continue to be a fan of Spandau Ballet regardless of a certain persons departure (his loss!). Can't wait for Holborn in October so see you then.

maryann said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

I appreciate that you took the time to say something - thank you!! It's all seemed so lawyer-like, as if you guys are a corporation instead of a band. I was hoping it was an Arcadia/Power Station moment in the history of the band that would result in a fabulous future reunion. It would be worth waiting for and we fans would love our personal time with each of you!! (Though I gotta say, us U.S. fans are feeling a little left out that you haven't come to visit!) I'll never give up hope. I love all of you!

maryann said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

I really appreciate that you took the time to say something. Thank you! It's all seemed so lawyer-like, as if you guys are a corporation instead of a band. This hurts. Especially to us in the U.S. who don't get to see you guys much. I love all of you and was hoping it was just an Arcadia/Power Station moment in the history of the band that would result in a joyful reunion. It would be worth waiting for. Deep sigh.

Jolanda said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Thank you Steve your very open & honest Appreciated it xxx Jolanda Da Thesta

Libby said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

I'll always be there for Spandau Ballet! Thanks for the explanation Steve, much appreciated!

Toady said : subscriber Report 8 years ago

Oh Steve!! It sounds as though you are quite hurt - as all of us fans are, extremely so!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to try and explain the situation!!! I am still so heartbroken over this - as I have loved you all since 1980 - and will do so for evermore!!! Looking forward to seeing you in October, in Holborn - and until that time - will still support you all in your solo ventures - and subsequently - SB in the future!!! My love to all of you boys - always!!!! XXX

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